Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week 7.5 - The Toll (Troll) of Design

When drawing this, I pondered that in some ways, there isn't much difference between tolls and trolls :P
There where no lectures or tutorials for this week. However, my group did meet up this week for the group project. This was a very awful week for me in general. While I always feel creative, external forces can rob me of some of my motivation.

Group Project 2 - Future Echo's (Week 1.5 of 4)

We meet up on Monday, with one member not turning up, although they sent an email on Wednesday giving some individual thoughts. These where the suggestions of the other team members:
  • One suggested a post apocalypse scenario, where the survivors have dramatically turned to religion, and persecute those that aren't religious. I must say I was not a fan of this idea. Last week, I said that a post apocalypse idea was my last choice.
  • Another suggested a post apocalypse scenario (obviously my group has a rosy view of the future :P). There was no particular development of the idea beyond that.
  • The last member had no ideas to put forward at all. They had no interest in any particular idea, didn't care what we did, and said that only creating a good presentation was what mattered. This view particularly annoyed me, especially since this was the person who seemed to have a good idea in the group brainstorming session.
I must say that from my own standpoint, every part of design matters. Creating something that looks spiffy, but that lacks substance and value, that is the kind of thing that plagues the industry. One of the main reason I aim towards becoming a indie developer is because I know that I can not accept being part of a project that I don't believe in. I would like to be part of a team (especially for VR development), but only if they are on the same page as myself, and share similar goals and standards.

Although the few ideas so far presented by the others are not my favourite, I'll back them 100%. We don't always get to do the things that we like.

This week I was also hit by a heavy blow at my work. So all in all, I felt very unmotivated this week. While I still drove myself to do some drawings for the above title picture, and for some birthday cards, I felt empty for this project. Sometimes events do take their toll. But I'll pick myself up and have something for the next project tutorial session.

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