Friday, June 7, 2013

Week 13 - Final Design

Oh the good old days of evaluating a design :P
Back in week one, I contemplated whether or not I would continue making journal/blog entries after the Design subject/unit ended, since this was created as a requirement for that subject. I believe I will continue with some kind of journal, since I do find value in it. However, I think I'll start afresh. While this journal certainly does reflect me in all respects, I feel it remains a subject/unit journal, and should end with that subject. So now, let me continue with this final weeks entry...

Subject/Unit Reflection. At the beginning of the semester, we were given reflective exercises. I did read through them. Although I didn't 'do' the exercises at that time, I still absorbed it and found it to be a useful guide. I'll just comment on one component of it.

Five Dimensions of Higher Learning (as reflection and evaluation):
  • Declarative Learning 10% - I said from the very beginning that I don't tend to focus heavily on rote learning (except for essential or highly used material). So long as I know how to at least find the information, that's what matters most. Doing this design subject did not change that for me. This subject did provide many informational links that I have found valuable, and will make use of into the future. I may only direct 10% to declarative learning for this subject, but it needs to be quality 10%. I feel that it was.
  • Procedural Learning 20% - There was a focus in lectures on the procedures that exist in design. The projects re-enforced this. Also, to a certain degree, the requirement to do this blog/journal is also part of procedural learning. I'm not sure that you can learn to be a good designer, but you can learn to be better than what you were. 20% feels right.
  • Conditional Learning 15% - I always consider that learning-by-doing is the best way to learn. But 15% is all that I can give. I am counting mainly the group work in this, and a some of the journal. I didn't find the group work to be as effective for learning as it's meant to be. Everyone participated in the tutorials, since they were required to be there. However, outside tutorials was another matter. And being an older student, learning to work with others is not new to me. In terms of expectation, I would have given it a higher percentage at the beginning of the semester.
  • Reflective Learning 35% - Considering the strong focus on reflection with the journals/blogs, it should be dominant. I considered this to be a good thing, especially with a subject like design. Reflection is like iteration. I also see it as being one of the birthplaces of new ideas. Design itself is born out of reflection, since one must ponder before one can create or improve-upon.
  • Metacognitive Learning 20% - Did we learn how to learn - I'm uncertain. But we were certainly given the tools and opportunity to do so. As I said in declarative learning, we were given many useful links, as well as material discussing learning, and how to learn. It was up to each of us individually to make use of it all. I feel that I did. But having said that, I was kind of that way inclined in the first place.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Week 12 - Horsing around with Design

I saw on TV that there is a community of people who all are dedicated to 'My Little Pony'. Now you wouldn't catch me spending my time thinking about, or drawing, girly little ponies...  ahh... umm... well... :P
Watching SBS on TV, I saw a report about people who love 'My Little Pony'. Made me think about the game 'Angry Birds'. There were games long before Angry Birds that employed the exact same mechanic. The developers of Angry Birds just gave it cute graphics and released it on smartphones. Just goes to show, never under estimate the power of 'Cute' (and recognising a potential). Designing for the market. However, I'm sure that die hard fans of My Little Pony would say that I drew the above pony all wrong.

Evolving Design. The following is essentially a promotion for Diablo III on the Playstation 4. However,  during the video, they speak about various design elements. They talk about the differences of input between being controller based verses mouse based. Also, they mention the 'share' button on the controller, allowing you to share your play on the web. I just found it interesting looking at it from the point of view of evolving design, even if it is primarily marketing.

Believe Achieve Event. I went to a 'Believe Achieve' event last Thursday. It was partly an event to honour some students who have done well not just academically, but also who have contributed to the community. It was also an event where you had a chance to meet some potential employers. I talked to several of the people there who were from DataCom ( It was interesting, as many things discussed did reinforce subject matter discussed in the Design lectures. For example, cases were given of the client not really knowing what they want, with the resultant need of having to tease it out of them before going to the designing process. In one case, a client had the right idea, but was ignoring what should have been an obvious area to develop, and was instead trying to apply solutions in an unfavourable area (Clients remained anonymous). Of course, being an older student, I had my own stories to tell too :) . I'll have to ensure I continue to go to such events.


This week, I didn't go to the tutorial, mainly because I was unsure that there was one. But there is definitely no tutorial next week. This semester is winding down. I'll continue to spend my time slowly tidying my blog/journal up, and adding detail where I think it's necessary. Yet I'll add a new post next week, even if it's just short like this one.